Saw a couple of swarms of these insects flying upwards from the ground. There were thousands of them. Unfortunately, they are almost certainly Swarming Termites. Chem-Free has been called. They are probably not an immediate threat to the house (especially since they are not IN the house), but call me freaked-out anyway. This is one of those "remain calm" situations. Not gonna happen.
yup..we had a swarm of them in the back apartments were barbara lives..fecking termites
I've seen these suckers rise up in a swarm before, just never checked out what they were. grrrr.
*Shudders* Creepy! Swarming insects freak me the hell out! You must get quite a variety of freaky creatures in your area!
This was pretty freaky but less scary than the wasps we had last year (that are trying to come back) to live on the front door porchlight. Those things can go to hell.
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