Monday, February 22, 2010

15 minutes of fame, retroactive

There is soon to be an Awkward Family Photos book. These are the grandparents of one of the people putting it together, and they did a hilarious webcam promo for it. Grandma doesn't understand that it's a camera, and I think grandpa understands about the interwebs and is about to break into a vaudeville act.

I submitted a photo for this, and they got my signoffs and so forth, so I'm thinking it might be included. I might have to pick up a copy of it. Here's my submission:


Debra She Who Seeks said...

How could they NOT include that photo!!! My Gawd, girl!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Love it. BTW, I figured out who your celeb doppelgangers are, they are Loretta Lynn and or Karen Black.

Blueberry said...

L to R, that's my mother and a couple of aunts (2 of my dad's sisters). My dad's taking the picture. My mother and her in-laws did not EVER like each other.

Blueberry said...

I was listening to Loretta Lynn yesterday, the Van Lear Rose.

Me said...



Blueberry, this snow today is freaky, huh?

Blueberry said...

The snow was very weird to see. Haven't seen anything like that since we moved here (10 years) and co-worker (native) said he hadn't seen the like since 1983.