Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday Cat - Alex doesn't get it

Continuing with the camping stool theme from last week, here's Alex being typically ill at ease.
He likes to get up on the stool because all the cats are doing it and he needs to know why. Enquiring minds...
Alex will never understand cats! Probably because he can't tolerate them. Alex, you really need to lighten up. [not gonna happen...]

- Friday Ark - Carnival of the Cats - This week's carnival is at Catymology - - -


K T Cat said...

It may be that Alex just doesn't understand the physics of a square cloth suspended by four points. When you lay down, it changes shape and doesn't feel as comfortable as a sofa or bed.

Blueberry said...

He'd much rather be in your lap than anything! (and covered with a blankie).

Ptelea said...

I suspect that you don't mind his preference for your lap, at least not most of the time!