You don't see this every day. It's a pet capybara! And yes, it's at Petco and caused quite a stir with everybody wanting to pet it and take pics. It was adorable and very docile. It makes really cute little squeaky whistles and whinnies. I love those feet! This one is named Caplin Rous, and he is reasonably famous, as capybaras go. His website is GiantHamster.com, and he also has a book written about him, a YouTube channel, and Twitter.

{Now my cats are getting upset because not only have they not been featured here at the Oasis in awhile, they have to wait their turn behind a giant rodent.}
Gawd, I'd hate to be kept awake by the racket he must make on HIS giant hamster wheel!
They are very cute but I hope his owner knows how to take care of him. Far too many numbnuts out there with exotic animals who don't know how to take care of their basic needs!
Debra: funny! and if I had a wheel that big I'd use it myself.
BBlue: all too true. I think this one's caretakers have done their homework but exotic and not so exotic animals often get really bad care.
i just figured it was a texas sized rat.
YDG: according to his business card (yes, there is one), he was born in Texas, so he's a Texas rat, of sorts... I guess, at least a Texas rodent.
I am facebook friends with sweet Caplin and yes, his owner did her homework and expresses time and time again on the blog (GiantHamster.com) that capybara ownership is not all sunshine and squeaky sounds, and all exotics need research!
wonder if he tastes like chicken?
ydg: I think that capybaras are one of those unfortunate animals that is like a walking deli for predator carnivores, so they probably taste OK (probably more like rat) but I will never know. I've even forgotten what chicken tastes like! Ha!
To folks coming over from Caplin's facebook: so sorry, Caplin! You are not "reasonably famous", you are the most famous capybara in the World! {it's true!}
Oh my GOD! I have seen many critters coming up to eat cat food on the patio but never one of those. I think I'd crap my pants if I walked out and saw that! But if it was friendly I'd be cool with it. I think it would eat too much though.
At least they are vegetarian! (unlike the carnivores in this house, which are all cats) Apparently they eat grass. Not sure what else. Would a capybara be a good lawn trimmer?
I am writing a book on capybaras. Will you allow me to publish one of your pictures of that pet capybara in my book?
Thank you
José Roberto Moreira
My e.mail alencar_moreira@yahoo.com.br
I am publishing a book about capybaras and I would like to use your picture of a pet capybara. Could you allow me to use it in my book. Just as an example of pet capybaras.
Thank you,
José Roberto Moreira
Yes, you may use it, but make sure you mention that it is a picture of Caplin Rous, whose website is gianthamster.com.
Yellowdog Granny
It doesn't taste like chicken. It is a Roman Catholic 'seafood', popular during Lent.
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