First of all, why do women keep getting their lips plumped up like fish? Angelina Jolie has beautiful lips. Even if she's had them enhanced at some point, I saw a

childhood photo of her at 9 that proves they are naturally large. Without getting into plastic surgery gone wrong, I just want to say the lip-enhancement craze just make me cringe. I think it ruins a person’s looks. Obviously, I’m in the minority.
If you don't want to mess up your face permanently, there are other crazy things you can do in order to have unnaturally swelled lips. This product is a plumper pump that actually has the name Jolie on it. Melissa Dahl at MSNBC
tested this on herself to see if it worked. She said it did work, but the next day her lips were blue and bruised. I guess that's why they used to call a punch in the mouth a "fat-lip."

She mentioned the lip-gloss type plumpers too, and how painful they are. This ad graphic is something I downloaded because it was so crazy-looking. It displays
this URL, which goes to a page that appears to be a page of lip-plumper reviews conducted by a neutral party, but I seriously doubt that's the case. The ad goes to this "review page" where there are reviews of all them, but only one glowing review of one product for super-plumping ability and no pain or discomfort was mentioned for it it. Apparently, the way these things work is that you when you smear the caustic chemicals or substances on your lips, they swell (because they are hurting or believing themselves to be injured).
This page (part of a site that does sell different brands of products) goes over the types of ingredients used in these things, with links onsite reviewing those products, not all of them glowing (although I would not assume that they are un-biased... I mean, they are selling stuff, after all).
Or you could just subject your lips to a few bee stings. That might work for a lot less the $70 per month that some of the plumper glosses cost
(edit: and feel the same way).
People do absolutely crazy things to be fashionable. If only we could learn that diversity of looks is beautiful! Then there wouldn't be this insane pressure to all look exactly the same way.
Wouldn't that be great? Looking at the history of human fashion, though, it's probably unlikely.
they all look like their fixing to give blow jobs..
I wonder if lipstick made of cayenne pepper is considered sexy? Or just smear the plumper on the dude and see what happens...
I once had a makeover done and the dumb girl applying the makeup commented: "Your upper lip is SO small!"
Which, combined with fashion ads constantly thrusting trout pout lipped women in our faces now, has made me feel very self conscious.
But like Debra said-Diversity is beautiful and there is more than one way a woman can look feminine!
It breaks my heart to see what some real beauties (like Priscilla Presley and Cher) have done to their lips. uughh...
I think using lip plumping is the safest way to enhance your lips as i have had clinical visits they were painful and expensive and didnt have the natural look to my lips. Selina
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