Monday, September 25, 2006

And you thought you had a bad job...

I've had some pretty bad ones. The worst one was doing laundry in a nursing home. The laundry room was down in the basement, and all the stuff just constantly came down a big shute to us. If you have ever visited a nursing home, you can imagine what the laundry is like, it's rubber gloves stuff. Housekeeping in the nursing home was a step up from that, not quite as filthy and more job satisfaction. Those jobs paid little more than minimum wage.

From, new Engrish posted every weekday.

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pissed off patricia said...

Oh man, I had just finished lunch when I read this.

There are indeed some "stinky" jobs in this world. The people who do them are under appreciated, that's for sure.

Michael Bains said...

I've been lucky with only one job suckin', and that was cuz of Politics. Nothing too disgusting though I made $quat at most of them.

Blueberry said...

I still make $quat. A degree in Art, an attitude toward authority, and a refusal to pucker up!!. No hope for me... [grin]