Thursday, February 01, 2007

Counter surge

Well, it's that time of year again. Time for the annual release of the Super Bowl ads!!! Here's one that you can watch now (especially in case you are like me and prefer the ads to the game), and this one is dead serious. It's the VoteVets spot against the troop surge [website], with Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, is leading the charge against the President’s escalation of the war in Iraq with a new television advertisement today. We’re targeting a number of Senators who still have not come out in favor of the strongest Senate resolution, sponsored by Senators Joe Biden and Chuck Hagel. We are backing up the ad with a two-day, seven-city tour, that will take this battle right into the Senators’ back yards.

1 comment:

Michael Bains said...

Very cool, Blueberry. I'm gonna post that one as well. We probably share the same 5 or 10 readers, but I'm sure you a few who don't read me and vice-a-versa so... {-;
