Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Some things can't be cured.

Haggard now "completely heterosexual"

Cured of homosexuality, huh? Oh really? Fascinating. Trouble is, there's no cure for being a damned liar and charlatan. And no cure for the sheeple who will believe whatever he says.

By the way, I've found a cure for being left-handed.


beepbeepitsme said...

I say he isn't cured unless he can pass the "bell test."

I will be writing about this later today. lol

Undeniable Liberal said...

And now, he is going into psychiatry. Now THAT'S the kind of person I want to see if I am having mental issues. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

FreakyNick said...

Cured of what? Conservatism, Bigotry, or Religion?

OH, he was reprogrammed with the heterosexual code. It's still has lots of bugs. (I know from experience, I run on that code, also).

It might be better to return to his default programming. Please, I don't want him on this side.

Michael Bains said...

Are you sell that cure online? I know quite a few pervert-handed folk.

