There's a link on that page for reading his blog, but I think it requires a login, so I will post the highlights here, including the lyrics and info on making your own video for Cheney's Toy.
FREE MP3Tags: Music - Austin - Texas - Texas Music - Cheney - Bush
In preparation for new album Just Us Kids
"Cheney's Toy" available in time for Super Tuesday as free mp3 download via eMusic exclusive on Monday February 4
AUSTIN, Texas – Singer/songwriter James McMurtry is once again making a political statement through his music. On his new song "Cheney's Toy", McMurtry picks up where he left off with his controversial anthem "We Can't Make it Here." "Cheney's Toy" reminds us that the war in Iraq is still going on — with veiled references to Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and the stark image of a soldier who returned from the conflict, blind and brain damaged.
In order to make sure people get the message, McMurtry is giving away the song for free on February 4 exclusively through eMusic's Daily Download. On the Super Tuesday primary day (February 5) fans will be able to download the mp3 from McMurtry's MySpace page and Lightning Rod Records' website (links below).
McMurtry and Lightning Rod Records are encouraging fans to use the free mp3 to create their own videos and post them online. McMurtry will choose the best videos and post them on his official MySpace page and website. If needed, fans can create videos using slideshow applications at RockYou.com. Creators of each of the top five video creators will receive t-shirts and autographed copies of McMurtry's new album, Just Us Kids (in stores April 15, 2008). McMurtry's choice for the best overall video will also receive an 8 Gb Apple iPod nano with video capabilities. Fans can send links to their videos to mcmurtryvideo@gmail.com.
"We Can't Make it Here" reverberated wildly across the internet and the airwaves, igniting a grassroots firestorm that has brought legions of new fans to the singer/songwriter's work. Fan-made videos of "We Can't Make It Here" have been viewed more than 170,000 times on YouTube.
"Cheney's Toy" at eMusic: http://www.emusic.com/album/11149/11149934.html
James McMurtry's MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/jamesmcmurtry
RockYou slideshow application: http://rockyou.com/index.php
James McMurtry's YouTube page: http://www.youtube.com/JamesMcMurtry
Lightning Rod Records mp3 link: http://lightningrodrecords.com/justuskids.html
"Cheney's Toy"
Words and Music by James McMurtry
Another unknown soldier
Another lesson learned
Kick the gas can over
Strike a match get back and watch that sucker burn
Keep smiling for the camera
Keep waving to the crowd
Don't let up for an instant
Stay the course and make your mama proud
You're the man
Show'em what you're made of
You're no longer daddy's boy
You're the man
That they're all afraid of
But you're only Cheney's toy
Another unknown soldier
Who's seen it all before
All in the name of Jesus
Behind the razor wire and shackled to the floor
Just keep smiling at the cameras
And keep that twinkle in your eye
We don't need to know the answers
Long as we're safe, just hit your marks and say your lines
You're the man
Show 'em what you're made of
You're no longer daddy's boy
Take a stand
Give 'em what they paid for
'Cause you're only Cheney's toy
They'll take a fork and turn you over
While the fat lady sings
One more pin on one more shoulder
Is all the future brings
For another unknown soldier
Who don't know his own name
And he won't get any older
And he can't see for the shrapnel in his brain