Monday, December 10, 2012

I got a new boot

Lovely, isn't it? I had a ganglion cyst removed from the top of my foot this morning. It's a returned problem from about 15 years ago when I had the very same thing done to the very same spot - then about a year ago it returned and has been limiting my activities (things that require a lot of walking or standing). I've got Vicodin for pain, and it's working so far. Hopefully this time the damn thing will stay gone.

This calls for a little couch time.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You style maven, you! Rest up, take it easy and enjoy the sweet vicodin haze. I hope you heal quickly and are soon up and about again.

Dr. Monkey said...

Rest up you.

Blueberry said...

Following Dr. Monkey's orders!

Professor Chaos said...

Ouch! Get well soon. Try and find some sort of fun activity you can do while lying in bed.