We've been amusing ourselves with videos and trying to get through obligatory daily grind (even on weekends), but yesterday we managed to get out of the house in spite of the fact that it was a Wednesday night - smack dab in the middle of the week. Went to see the Celtic rock band from Dallas, The Killdares. Highlights were fiddler Roberta Rast and piper Matt Willis. Celtic sound, but not that traditional. It was a free show at Scholz Garten, where we had the convenience of a picnic table with a good view, table service, not too crowded and a good vibe. I guess the big draw of the night was across town at Zilker Park where Alejandro Escovedo was putting on a free show for a few thousand folks. We love Alejandro, but have seen him quite a few times, but wanted to see The Killdares for the first time instead.
Here they are during SXSW in Austin at Jovitas:
Off topic, but can't find your email contact. I really don't know how far Austin is from Houston nor if you can help, but this momma cat needs a home/fostering right away: http://www.facebook.com/notes/blind-cat-rescue-and-sanctuary-inc/blind-cat-in-houston-needs-a-home/443711240375
If you know anyone, or can share with others, that would be wonderful.
No problem on the OT, and I see from the link the kitty has found a home. Great news!
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