Remember Derek and the Dominos? Delaney & Bonnie and friends? Bobby Whitlock was a major force in those bands, and wrote/co-wrote a good number of the songs on the Layla album (also very notable is having played on George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass"). He and wife CoCo Carmel have been living in Austin for a number of years now, and have a regular gig at the Saxon Pub. It is amazing to hear those songs performed live by the songwriter. Like all aging rockers, Bobby's got stories, and he sure loves to tell them. He's got an autobiography coming out in a month or so*, and I'm looking forward to reading it. He will tell a few stories during the gigs too! He seems to be waxing a bit spiritual (using the "g" word, as CoCo put it), but it seems more like a "We Are All One" Lovefest than a "Born Twice Xian" type of thing, and I think it's worth plowing through some of that to hear a fun tidbit or two on the making of Layla. Besides, it was God's band. ;-)
Storytelling: Watch out for the saunas!
And the song being introduced above, "Keep on Growing"
*From his website: "October 16 2010 Bobby and CoCo will be performing at The State Capital from 2-3 p.m., Bobby will be doing his first book signing." That will have to be the Texas Book Festival and they will be performing on the Capitol steps. Sounds good!
Is that dog committing blasphemy?
He's going to show them who's DOG!
I was not familiar with him. Thanks for educating me.
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