Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Damn you all to hell

Part 2 of our Saturday included attending Master Pancake's live riffing of Planet of the Apes. Pretty good stuff. This is a comedy group who used to call themselves Mister Sinus Theater, then got sued by Mystery Science Theater to stop using that very similar name, especially since they were doing something very similar. it went on for years (don't know who won) but Mister Sinus broke up and reformed as Master Pancake. I have no idea where they got that name.

Sinus (now Pancake) has a different approach to their choice of movies to roast. They tend to pick stuff that lots of people are already familiar with, and sometimes they riff movies I actually think are pretty good -- or were good when they were released and are suffering merely from being dated (and aren't we all from time to time?), rather than the REALLY BAD ones that were MSTed. I do miss that show.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Loved that. Thanks for posting it.

enigma4ever said...

I miss Mystery Science theater...and I think they should complimented by the Mister Sinus...oh well...

( planet of the apes can not be riffed too much,....or too often....and it was dated when it was made ;-)

Blueberry said...

My favorite part of the riffing was when they played the "Benny Hill music" when he was running around the Ape compound. Perfect fit.