Prince Henry in his royal carriage. We carry him from room to room or onto the screened porch in his fleecy bed. It keeps his stress down and feels good on the old bones. He doesn't mind a back scratch.

Jax wants you to know one thing - you're blocking his rays and invading his personal space. Just do your little clickety-click and leave him alone. Damn the paparazzi!
Those are some happy lazy kittys!
Clearly Jax does NOT want to be disturbed! Enjoy that sun, Henry! Life is good.
dexter's so big i'd get a hernia toting him around...beautiful kittey's
Henry's very lightweight, but if we had to tote Jax around, it wouldn't be easy (at 18 lbs.)
Jax embodies his species ability to give that ultimate look of disdain.
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