Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Jesus doesn't need flash.

My aunt sends me stuff in email, mostly fundie stuff, poems, pro-war and anti-ACLU spam, offensive racist stuff, etc. I've blogged her before, so you can get some idea of the source. Well, we may have a live one here, a real sighting! Not sure if anyone could actually sell tickets for this one, since it's a shadow (or is it???) , but I'm passing it along because she asked the recipients to do that. The text of her email follows the pic. Enjoy.

Do you see what I see?? My son called me into the bathroom after he'd taken a shower telling me there was a reflection of what looked like Jesus on the tile. (__name removed__) and I went in to look and we saw the above image. It kind of freaked us out! Now, I know the light and the way it filtered through created this image.....but why this particular image?? Terry grabbed his camera to take a picture.....the strange thing is the image didn't photograph when he used a flash.....but this is how it came out without the flash. The thought entered my mind that "Jesus is the LIGHT of the world."....doesn't need a flash.

Now, I'm not one to run after "strange sightings" etc. and I'm not sure why this happened, but there is no denying that this image was here in my house....I mean there's no denying what we three saw.....and it's pictured above. I would like some input on this. Be honest and tell me what you think. This is a little weird to me. But, then, I read in my Bible that there will be signs and wonders in the latter days. Could this possibly be a sign meant for my son? Please prayfully consider your reply. And please e-mail this to others to get their response. Thank you and may God bless us one and all.

EDIT: Thanks to J-Walk for cross-posting this. If you like these comments, there are some fun ones over there too!

EDIT 2: I just submitted this to The Carnival of the Godless for July 23 2006, which will be held at Beware of the Dogma.


JD Mathewson said...

Of course it wouldn't show up with flash photography--it's a shadow!!!!

Blueberry said...

I can't believe there's been a real sighting in the family!! Of course, it's not something tangible and preservable like a pizza, tree knot, or cinnamon bun.

Ptelea said...

At first I was going to offer you my condolences for having such a relative, but maybe you want to milk the fame thing. And those other types of sightings/messages, well they always seem to get stolen or accidentally eaten.

Ellie said...

Famous train robber from the mid 1800's, yep that's who he looks like to me.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't look like Jesus to me. Probably just wishful thinking on your part. This is probably just some pervert ghost watching your son as he takes a shower.

Blueberry said...

Enjoying the comments! Oh, and to Anon#2:
That doesn't look like Jesus to me. Probably just wishful thinking on your part. This is probably just some pervert ghost watching your son as he takes a shower.
The words in yellow under the photo are not mine, they were written by my aunt, who took the picture. I have not seen Jesus or any pervert ghosts myself. I do believe that wishful thinking has a heck of a lot to do with it though. ;-)

Anonymous said...

It is what it is and it only is because you believe that it is.

Anonymous said...

It seems to bear a strange resemblance to Mark Twain. Is she being haunted by the old satirist? He'd love the joke of being mistaken for Jesus!

Blueberry said...

Anon#3: Seems as likely as anything. I thought it looked more like Jeff Bridges but then he couldn't be "haunting" anyone yet... or could he? ;-)

The shadow knows...

Anonymous said...

Jesus does have a thing about showers - at least according to James Dobson of "Focus on the Family":

"Meanwhile, the boy's father has to do his part. [...] He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger."

Maybe Jesus is watching to make sure Dobson's homoerotic suggestions are being carried out.

- No More Mr. Nice Guy!

Blueberry said...

Ha! I can't help but be reminded of Peter Graves's character in Airplane. "Ever seen a grown man naked?"

breakerslion said...

To borrow a concept from South Park, is that a pervert ghost, or a ghost pervert? A pervert ghost would suggest that it is a pervert who died and became a ghost. A ghost pervert would be someone who died and then became a pervert as a ghost. Considering how much easier it would be to "peep" in a ghostly state, I think you have a ghost pervert on your hands.

Seriously, isn't it amazing how hard the mind's defenses work to resolve a face? scroll up in your browser until the two blobs of dark that form the "eyes" disappear, and the rest of the "face" fails to resolve.

J said...

I made a mark like that on my shower tile. But I was having a vision of Natalie Portman at the time. -JJ

Revenant said...

The bigger problem is, what possible significance could this have?? Does this mean Jeebus was a plumber and not a carpenter after all? Or maybe he's just a perv.

Seriously though, is this the best that divine power can do?? It's a far cry from a pillar of fire and parting of the Red Sea.