Monday, June 18, 2007

Scary sight

I saw something frightening on a car bumper today.

Frightening because I'm thinking she could win if she ran. What do you think?

EDIT: P.S. - I am at least temporarily disallowing anonymous comments to prevent anon trollage fallout from another post. Apologies to unregistered folks that I know.


Pam said...

PLEASE tell me that's one of those "joke" bumperstickers.


Blueberry said...

I wish I could. There is a real movement to draft Condi. Someone driving in MY neighborhood had it on their car.

Peacechick Mary said...

Shoes Condi for Prez - that can be her campaign name. The idea makes me dizzy, but so do all the Rethugs and many of the Dems.

FreakyNick said...

Condi - That's not even funny. This can't be real....

Lets see, who would she have as Secretary of State, perhaps SATAN! (Yes that does mean GWB) He would be her perfect "diplomat", and they could still have private meetings in the oval office.......

Michael Bains said...

Doesn't matter if it is real. She'd not get even Half of the black vote. Why should she? As far as she's concerned, racism no longer exists and classism Never has.

Let her run. It'd be interesting and might even force the Dems to THINK about what the hell they're not doing.

Undeniable Liberal said...

As a major partner in crime with the Cheney cabal of thieves, Condi as president could potentially be WORSE than Dubya.

Blueberry said...

She's a Neocon like Dubya, but unlike him she is smart, articulate (can speak the English language), and has the cool factor of being a double minority even though she does not represent and would do nothing to support the interests of either one.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I used to think that an idot like her could not get elected. Then Bush won. Twice.

Nava said...

From what I sense, I don't think that a woman will be elected in the US. Sad but true. Not so sad in this case, though...

Mando Mama said...


Let's hope that bumper belongs to a Democrat with a sick sense of humor.