Friday, November 13, 2009

Let us pray... er... prey.


yellowdoggranny said...

texas has such great critters.

Blueberry said...

These things are great-looking, except when they are eating our butterflies.

AArdvarker said...

Oh, I love those little guys.

Ptelea said...

Have you noticed that these creatures (and walking sticks, as well) are pretty darn aggressive even towards humans? Fascinating, yes but I give them a wide berth!

Blueberry said...

pt, I do give them their space and would never want to pick one up.

When I was a toddler my mother and grandma told me that they would spit tobacco juice in my eye, so when we were in Hawaii I got trapped by one -- it was between me and my apartment and I was afraid to walk past. I was 2-3 then and am not phobic over them anymore, but do respect them.