Tuesday, October 19, 2010


[LINK] the Vatican seems to think that the Simpsons are Catholic. From the Vatican newspaper:
"Few people know it and he does everything to hide it but it is true: Homer J. Simpson is Catholic"
"'The Simpsons' remain among the few programs for children in which the Christian faith, religion and the question of God are recurring themes," it said. "The family recites prayers together before meals and, in its own way, believes in heaven."


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

The Vatican never did understand satire.

Blueberry said...

and obviously not doing well with (American) English either.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Plus the Vatican has apparently never seen Reverend Lovejoy (and his gossip-mongering wife) of the Presbylutheran Church which the Simpsons attend.

Blueberry said...

Apparently not. ;-)
And I can't believe they want to claim Homer and Bart as their own!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Gawd yeah, times must be harder at the Vatican than anyone knew.

Ricky Shambles said...

My only guess is that they have decided to identify with the furthest thing from child-molesting priests and while that would probably be chick flicks, they have their phallocentrism to consider. Hence: Homer Simpson.