Friday, November 13, 2009

I "Was" Somebody Else

"So much has happened in 4 weeks, it's hard to know where to begin...

Shaving my chest was not that big a deal. The tattoos though, getting those has made me feel like a whole new person."

(actual ad, I just sliced and stacked it to fit here better)
(and they get extra points for the misuse of quotation marks)


AArdvarker said...

What has happened? Small meandering comments elicit questions!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh well, at least they maintained racial continuity in each photo! Sometimes they don't! They must figure people are REALLY stupid!

Blueberry said...

Well, I did click on the ad, and of course the thing they are selling includes acai berries (the hottest thing in SPAM right now) - I just got a real kick out of the before and after pics they used in the ad! ;-)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

And he did it all with one of those abs belts.