Well, the cat family next door has decided they REALLY like our yard. Well, can't blame them, their folks also have two pomeranians and a whole bunch of kids on skateboards. This is the little Mom, she's in what looks like a very unlikely place for a cat, but since it doesn't rain that much she likes to cool her underside laying on that screen. Aaaaah... ventilation...

All three of them spent the afternoon sleeping in a fuzzy pile under that shrub. Too darn cute... and those poor kittens are already scratching fleas.

These yard cats spotted while walking in a South Congress neighborhood have worse problems than a few fleas. The one on the far right had a non-working front leg, looked like an untended injury that didn't heal right. They look like they don't mind sharing their fare with a bunch of grackles, but would like for US to move along.

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In a way it's lucky you are there for those furry neighbors, they have a refuge. But aren't you worried your boys will get fleas too?
Yikes! That last cat looks MEAN! Is that one of them "Watchcats"?
NS: I would not risk trying to pet her! (the watchcat, not Ms. Mommy)
EE: My boys are always inside or screened in but in any case allowed no contact with outdoor cats -- not even eyeballing each other is allowed. Duncan looked through the window and saw the little furry pile -- turned the whole house into a stressed-out bushy-tailed scream-fest. Everybody got squirted with water and put in solitary confinement.
I worry about outside cats, they are exposed to so many problems plus they kill things that other animals depend on for their food.
My cat was a stray street cat and he's been an inside cat for three years. He never goes out and it doesn't seem to bother him one bit. I think he remembers how hard life was for him outside and he likes his new easy safe life a lot better.
PoP: That describes our Jax too. He was outdoors for probably 7 years when we took him in. He had to be litter-pan trained!! He doesn't miss being out there at all, has never once made a bolt for the door in the couple of years we've had him. All but one of ours were strays (the other one came from a shelter litter).
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