Alex would like your undivided attention immediately. He needs to know if you are planning on feeding him now and cleaning the litter pan. He would rather you didn't try to give him any pills either. Alex has switched to a new prescription food called Royal Canin Intestinal, and he loves it. No measurable weight gained yet, but we are hoping to put a few more ounces on him at least. He loves eating new stuff, but his belly usually disagrees. A couple of the other recent food experiments did not go so well, and he is trying to recover from that. It helps to have a little porch time in the sun.

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Ah, if looks could kill... I'm having a hard time deciding whether this piercing look is inquisitive, disdaining or simply saying:
"Hell-oooo!!! Anybody!?"
Pats the nice little kitty kitty.
Ahhh...I know this look well!
You may not know this, but you under Alex's hypnotic spell.
Resistance is futile.
The second pic shows the satisfied master, on his throne. All is well in his dominion.
Well, Alex sure looks like he feels good. Tell him he can talk to Fred the Cat anytime he feels the need to just get stuff off his chest.
Ah, a little porch time in the sun is good indeed. I'm heading out to my porch. In the sun.
Agreed. I'm with Alex. Porch time always does it for me. Except not in Northeast Ohio. In winter. Which lasts until, um, August.
Alex looks a lot happier than my guys. They are on a new food plan too but they need to lose weight. I don't think they care for the new kibble much, it's low fat and high fiber. Kosmo said, "where's the beef?" Glad Alex likes his new food, hope it helps him gain however much he needs :)
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