Thursday, March 08, 2007

Catblogging - Duncan and his really big brother

Duncan and Henry -- bestest buddies! Henry loves Duncan because he makes a good snuggly pillow, and because Henry gets to snag leftovers from Duncan. We switched him to canned food (and he needs "hungry pills" to eat it since he is feeling poorly) a few months ago... and I understand that canned food is supposed to be better for kitties in general. So while Duncan tries to improve his appetite, Henry is more than happy to help clean the plate. In the above picture, it looks like Henry has grown into a big furry balloon.

Tags and links: Friday Ark - Carnival of the Cats - This week's carnival is at Carnival of the Cats Home on Sunday - -


beepbeepitsme said...

They are such lovely little creatures aren't they. :)

Have you seen this video of cats? It always makes me laugh. Especially the one that says "Mom- ma."

Blueberry said...

I love that one too! I posted it last July along with Alex's reaction. He hates cats! Even internet cats!!

FreakyNick said...

You are a good servant for your felines.

Mando Mama said...

What a pair! It's good to have a friend you can lean on.