Saturday, September 15, 2007

ACL Day 2

This day was another humid scorcher, and I wasn't able to endure a whole day of it. Also, there was no one on the schedule that I simply had to see, so it was mostly spent seeking shade, coolness, and other relief. We really only saw one band which was around 1 PM, and that was Mario Matteoli. We are fans of his now. He used to be with The Weary Boys, a bluegrass outfit who just broke up. His music is not bluegrass at all, I guess you could include it in that catch-all genre of "roots music" if you had to, anyway, he rocked our socks off. Good songwriting, singing, 2 good guitars, slide trombone, keyboards...

We got tired of trudging around in the sun, so we walked down to Chuy's -- which was packed of course -- and ended up sharing a small table with a nice Austin couple. Turned out that the man was my pharmacist!! What are the odds of that? He said he didn't want me to get a bad impression of my pharmacist when off duty, but frankly, I am more concerned that the next time I am instructed to get the pharmacist's counseling with a new prescription, that it's not one of those "apply to infested area" type prescriptions!! LOL!! Anyway, they made a good music recommendation for the afternoon in Ocote Soul Sounds. The band sounded great, but this was our view of them. They played in that white tent in the background. Note the guy sitting in the tree. Anyway, it's a good choice of a band to see in a proper music venue sometime. We came home to our lonesome kitties after that, and here I am blogging and looking through my pics.

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pissed off patricia said...

Your weather sounds like ours. Just too damned hot to be outside unless you absolutely have too, and then it's still too hot.

Blueberry said...

Yes, PoP, I think our latitudes are similar. Usually we are less humid than FLA but this summer it's not the case.