We are too far inland to actually have a hurricane hit us (technically) (and maybe there are exceptions, someone out there knows more trivia than I do about this) but this sucker looked headed straight at Galveston, which means we should get a hell of a storm around Austin come Friday and Saturday.
MrB has reminded me to fill up my tank, because when we thought Rita was coming close to here, the gas lines got very long. All Friday and Saturday plans are off the schedule. Hold on to your hats and tie down the lawn furniture. Get the pets inside. (Please)
Galveston, I have a bad feeling about this.
Good luck with all that.
I don't think we're going to get nailed here, either, but what do I know? Be safe-
I am not so worried about this area, but I do have many friends strung all along the coast and I worry for them.
And good to remind others about the animals...my dogs have a doggie door and can come and go as they please...and they hate storms. So they will be tucked on all safe.
Good luck down there!
Oh man, I was just looking at the map....Austin doesn't look THAT far from Galveston, but maybe it's different in Texas miles. Hope all stays battened down.
I too am worried about the Coast..and esp Galveston- I don't think enough folks left...but you be safe down there...
I think we will be fine here, just a bad storm coming.
Austin looks like it will be missed. The storm is headed up straight for Dallas at this moment.
My friend spoke last night with her neice in Houston. For some reason, her cell phone is working. She said that the blackout is the biggest in history with over 5M people out of electricity. FOR TWO WEEKS!
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