Friday, May 12, 2006

Roly-Poly, Daddy's Little Fatty*

Crack me up! This Week's Jesus looks like someone's attempt to make God in their own image. If so, I would recommend cutting down on the beer and chips. Not sure where this came from or what they're trying to say with it.

* Title is from a Fred Rose song made famous by Bob Wills.


Neil Shakespeare said...

LOL! Excellent cool. Looks like he ate them loaves and fishes all by himself...

Blueberry said...

hey, it's easy to over-eat at one of those "all-you-can-eat" buffets!

Darius said...

Jesus as the "fatted calf?" Don't they say everything in the Old Testament clearly points to Jesus Christ? I think there's something about a fatted calf in there, so maybe some Christian is trying to work it from that angle as an alternative to the "lamb" of God?

I've always been one to appreciate theology, especially when it's illustrated. Kind of helps prove the point.