Thursday, April 26, 2007

Catblogging - Porch Prince Henry

Prince Henry is trying out his new throne. We've added a special black nylon surface for maximum sun ray heat absorption, and arranged the throne for optimum late April solar exposure during scheduled porch activity.

Henry gives his approval. You are granted an audience with the Prince as long as you will provide petting. There will be no sharing of the throne during peak sunspot activity.

Tags and links: Friday Ark - Carnival of the Cats - This week's carnival is at Catymology - - -


Anonymous said...

That sounds like the ultimate kitty throne! And King Henry looks supremely regal in his photoshoot! ;)

Anonymous said...

Henry needs a special throne. Get him the Kittywalk System. He will be a happy cat as it will allow him to reign in the shade and run around if he likes. My cats love it! It is truly the throne fit for a king.

Ptelea said...

What sweet photos these are of Henry!