Sunday, April 29, 2007

Eeyore gets a party headdress

Eeyore's Birthday Party was really fun this year (is it ever NOT fun? The answer is No.). It's all about taking your personal weirdness to the next level (at least fashion-wise), costumes encouraged. Bring a drum, egg shaker, gourd, gong, cowbell, empty rum bottles, pots and pans from the kitchen... anything that you bang on to keep the rhythms going. It's very people- and animal centric and very non-corporate. Lots of games, costume contest, hula hoops for all ages, giant puzzles and lots more for the kids of all ages, including a real live Eeyore for petting. All the beer sold is from local micro-brews, and it is very good! Mmmmmm. Beeeeer. Also lots of really good food with plenty of veggie selections, and all the food and drink sold benefits various charities.

Costumes only limited by the imagination, and there is not actually a law here against female toplessness (the laws seem to depend a lot on the circumstances), so there are quite a few women who just wear paint on top, like this lovely "Earth Mother" that my husband enjoyed photographing. Lots and lots of dogs in attendance, of course, but we did see one cat. See the pic below. The guys did an Adam & Steve theme, and the kitty had some hair coloring applied (green), but I'm not sure the cat had a themed role to play, maybe Garden of Eden foliage? It just rode around on "Steve's" shoulders, just being the most well-behaved cat in the world. Our cats would never do something like that.

There was a great band there called Rattletree, a Zimbabwean-style marimba group playing 5 marimbas handmade from wood and sewer pipes, also drums. Fantastic! This dog was also celebrating his birthday.
Here is some video I shot, just trying to capture what it's like being in the drum circle.

Also trying to prove what a bad filmmaker I am. In the next one I was trying to capture those fantastic tail feathers!

Eeyore's Birthday Party website

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beepbeepitsme said...

Now we just have to get all those fun loving pagans to vote.

Blueberry said...

Oh, they do. But Austin is a little liberal oasis in a big red state. There's Texas, and then there's Austin, Texas. Two different places entirely.

Mando Mama said...

What a fun fest, and a great idea.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Gawd that looks like my kind of place, what fun it must have been.

Nava said...

Looks lie the ultimate place to bring a sketchbook...

I wonder if that green-painted cat is supposed to resemble the snake who tempted Eve (Ahm, Steve)?

Pam said...

BEAUTIFUL pics!! Love the mother earth and adam and steve, especially!