Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Church based on hate is hated. Duh.

Well, they seem to think hate is such a great thing, then they complain that other people hate their religion. Funny part is that they've complained to the Attorney General that they are the victim of a Hate Crime. Is your head spinning like mine?

God Hates You and Pretty Much Everybody Else - Westboro Baptist Church catches fire
"There is evidence that hatred of our religion was the motivation, in part at least," states a "Civil Rights Hate Crime Complaint" written by pastor Fred Phelps Sr. to Attorney General Michael Mukasey. In a recently released YouTube presentation, Phelps also blames law enforcement, judges, and the "filthy, fag-riddled military" for what he considers an assault on his First Amendment rights.

Meanwhile, a neighbor is suspicious that the fire is a hoax meant to intimidate her into giving up her property. "They keep claiming that this property is theirs, and it is not theirs," said 91-year-old Leona McQueen. "They keep wanting to buy me, but I don't want to sell it. I don't know if whether they are trying to push me out."

[...] No picketing signs were harmed.



Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...


Nava said...

Ahhh, makes you feel all nice and cozy, doesn't it?.

Blueberry said...

They are a sad bunch of people. It's a sad commentary when your places burns and the world smiles. Their lives are being wasted.

FreakyNick said...

Ok. but.....

Hating the haters is still hate. Violence and hatred against them is just as wrong as their hatred and intolerance of humans that don't fit their narrow/simple-minded dogma.