McCain (the candidate who says he represents traditional family values) suggested that his wife should enter this contest for Buffalo Chip queen.
OK, on the one hand, I am not opposed to beauty contests, but I really wish they would be more honest like this. Does anyone really care about their singing/dancing/juggling abilities, or having them lie and say that their greatest desire is for world peace?
I think that banana-sucking would be a more popular and relevant contest, as demonstrated here, in a pageant that is reported (by ESPN) to be often topless and/or bottomless. And please give us a male version too!
On the other hand, I am trying to imagine the media and public fury that would result from Obama making a similar suggestion that his wife participate in that pageant? Barack Obama would never do that, even in jest, and Michelle Obama would not put up with it either. That's what I think.
From TPM, and do go there for more details on the Sturgis event, via AmericaBLOG.
How is the sound of a Harley, the Biggest Gas Hog of the motorcycles, the sound of freedom?
Sturgis. The rally of a bunch of fat old white men who demand that the women at the rally flash their "headlights". Not a very educated crowd. Or am I just being an elitest.
I like motorcycles, but not Harley's, Harley's are the noisiest motors out there. That ain't freedom, it's pollution.
Ingrid is true...
about this Un-presidential....that is for sure...
( now about the talent issue- seriously Banana skills...that would be so much more well interesting..)
You mean they don't really want world piece? I am so shattered...
Nope, I don't think Obama would ever think of uttering such a demeaning thing.
You gotta be kidding me. Steaming pile is right.
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