Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Steaming Pile

McCain (the candidate who says he represents traditional family values) suggested that his wife should enter this contest for Buffalo Chip queen.

OK, on the one hand, I am not opposed to beauty contests, but I really wish they would be more honest like this. Does anyone really care about their singing/dancing/juggling abilities, or having them lie and say that their greatest desire is for world peace?

I think that banana-sucking would be a more popular and relevant contest, as demonstrated here, in a pageant that is reported (by ESPN) to be often topless and/or bottomless. And please give us a male version too!

On the other hand, I am trying to imagine the media and public fury that would result from Obama making a similar suggestion that his wife participate in that pageant? Barack Obama would never do that, even in jest, and Michelle Obama would not put up with it either. That's what I think.

From TPM, and do go there for more details on the Sturgis event, via AmericaBLOG.


FreakyNick said...

How is the sound of a Harley, the Biggest Gas Hog of the motorcycles, the sound of freedom?

Sturgis. The rally of a bunch of fat old white men who demand that the women at the rally flash their "headlights". Not a very educated crowd. Or am I just being an elitest.

I like motorcycles, but not Harley's, Harley's are the noisiest motors out there. That ain't freedom, it's pollution.

enigma4ever said...

Ingrid is true...

about this Un-presidential....that is for sure...

( now about the talent issue- seriously Banana skills...that would be so much more well interesting..)

Nava said...

You mean they don't really want world piece? I am so shattered...

Nope, I don't think Obama would ever think of uttering such a demeaning thing.

Mando Mama said...

You gotta be kidding me. Steaming pile is right.