Saturday, August 09, 2008

Edwards should not have run

[LINK] This whole John Edwards business is really unfortunate. First, I want to say that things like this should only have to do with your personal life should not matter in politics, but the fact is that they do matter, especially when it comes to elections. Don't EVER think that you are going to be able to keep it a secret, that is delusional and naive on your part. If you are lying to the media about it (even the tabloids -- and don't lie to the tabloids, for crap's sake -- lying is their job and they are going to twist your revealed lies into something you never even imagined!), it is going to eventually make you look like a dirty rotten liar, even if you have fixed the problem with your family and all involved.

Now, John McCain... he also cheated on his wife after he returned from the war, and they divorced, allowing him to marry Cindy. Republicans don't seem to be bothered by that sort of thing as much, unless your cheating partner is the same sex that you are. It hardly even gets brought up.

If you are running for President, and you are a Democrat, they are gonna getcha for that one. Don't think for a minute that it will be OK. And don't ever think that saying you didn't love the other person or that the child isn't yours will help. It just makes you sound worse because you are just trying to smoothe down and neutralize something that is not neutral. It's the equivalent of getting caught red-handed and responding with "this is not what it looks like." No one is ever going to believe you again.

If Edwards had gotten the nomination, we would now be looking at the coming election as a train wreck about to happen, and that's not fair to all of us riding on a shred of hope that maybe, just MAYBE, this election will bring change.


enigma4ever said...

really eloquently put...this was shattering- but yeah if he had been the Candidate we would be looking at Prez McCain right was selfish, stupid....and malignant narcissism...
the funny thing- in march 2007,when Elizabeth was rediagnosed, he could have pulled out and no one would have thought badly.....but he kept going....and put ALL of us at risk without knowing the truth...

he lied to all of us....and Elizabeth...

Ingrid said...

ha, I was just over at 'E's and I mentioned that I somehow do not buy it that Elizabeth knew way back when... having been in politics and knowing how you even get vetted for the VP position (not to see if you are bad news BUT to see whether you could be potentially undermined by your opponents)..then I do not think Elizabeth would've opted for running for the presidential nomination. After all, Edwards himself being embarrassed is one thing, he deserves it. Her on the other hand, does not. I think she's claiming to have known about it for appearances sakes, least of all her own. Why do the damn women always have to play second fiddle and be the 'stand behind their men' types?? The women themselves should be in office dang it..
anyhow..that's unrelated [g]..

ps..I thought of you this morning as I managed to stay in my pj's (nightgown) all morning while browsing through youtube and doing laundry..)

D.K. Raed said...

I was so disappointed that the Edwards campaign never really took off, but now I am selfishly relieved that it did not & that he did drop out early, so we should not be dealing with a train wreck here. He's not running for public office, he's not a national player anymore & he just killed any chance at a cabinet or other appointed position. So, why is this dominating the news cycle? If it was some repub that did as poorly as Edwards in the primary, would anyone be talking much about it? If I were inclined to put a kind face on the nonstop news coverage, I would say it's because Edwards did hold a special place in the party & in our hearts, speaking as he did for worker's rights & health care. I guess that's why it hurts so much.

enigma4ever said...

I put you in my Edwards round up because this was so well written...

Mariamariacuchita said...

reallllly well said.

Mando Mama said...

When this "news" broke I was more pissed at myself for liking him early on than at the news itself, but you're right. Whew, thank Shiva he wasn't nominated.

And forgive me for bringing this up, but, what kind of a creep do you have to be to cheat on your wife while she's fighting a battle against a ferocious form of breast cancer? Puh-leeze.

Michael Bains said...


Well, maybe now Hil will get to be on the ticket after all.

We'll be to see.