Friday, January 06, 2006

Some new favorites!

Just wanted to mention some new blog links over on the sidebar that I've added in the past week. All well worth reading, I'm not going to try and categorize, just check 'em out yourself. There's The DrewL Bucket, Cerulean Blue (even though I used to paint in oils, that phrase will forever remind me of the X-Files), Pam's House Blend, and Spicy Cauldron (Jeen Lilly, I recommend this to you!). Godless Mom in the Bible Belt says she is going on blogging hiatus and will take the whole thing down soon, so you might want to check hers out while it's still there.


Neil Shakespeare said...

Alas! Always grieve at the loss of another Godless Mom in the Bible Belt...

Blueberry said...

At least the Bible Belt Buckle seems to have moved up to Kansas for awhile, along with a couple of Belt Loops.

God _less America, ya'll!!