A weekend come and gone. Still scorching in the 100°s here. On Saturday after the IMAX noon show, we went down to South Congress, had some delicious Home Slice pizza, then caught about an hour of Redd Volkaert's free matinee show. He's one of the best guitarists around, used to play in Merle Haggard's band. Now he plays a lot at the Continental Club and some other clubs on a regular basis. We were originally going to go and see Mario Matteoli at Roadhouse Rags at 7pm, but it was too stinking hot for me for an outdoor show while the sun was still shining, so I weenied out.

Jax "lick-shaves" various parts of his body, which is fine if the only issue is hairlessness! Doesn't sound like drug-worthy behavior, but he has been making his nipple bleed - I'm afraid he's going to end up licking it right off - and that's not OK. The prednisone and Bitter Apple* have not quite gotten the problem solved and I don't want to make him live in an e-collar. MrB suggested a tube top. A pair of overalls might work too, in fact, he could wear both. {not really... cats can't seem to walk while wearing clothing}
We had to get the Prozac made up into an ear gel since the boy won't take pills. {sigh... the gel is 10x the price of pills...}
It's our last ditch Save the Nipple campaign.
They keep saying the Prozac will likely not have negative side-effects. I hope they're right. You can all be thankful I have spared you the close-up shot of his overly-licked nipple. Poor kitty.
*the prednisone is another ear gel, and we never put Bitter Apple on an open sore... and neither should you. Major OUCH and irritation.
Sorry to hear that Jax has to take Prozac but I do understand since my Pat is a lick-shaver (and they look so similar that they could be ....siblings!) Pat hasn't licked to the bleeding stage but I sure wish it would learn to lick in patterns rather than the weird random, homeless look that it creates.
Hopefully, it won't take away Jax's "catness" but just add happiness.
Whew, for a second I thought it was you having the nipple problem.
Does that mean he also gets more hair balls in his stomach? Double Problems.
I like Redd Volkhart, he taught me how to make the sound of church bells by bending the second string over the third and fretting at the 10th.
pt: Jax and Pat are long lost cousins. He was doing so well, there's hair growing on most of his body now, but I guess he's been concentrating his effort on a few little spots.
DrM: I am glad I don't have to endure that rough tongue of his on certain sensitive places. OW. ;-)
ellie: could be why that belly of his is so big.
I think animals are prone to stress, genetics and their own quirky personalities, just like people. Sounds like you made the right call. An infection would not serve the kitty well.
Too bad ol' Jax doesn't have Batmanesque nipples. Those things are just about invincible!
Uhh, which is to say, we saw Teh Dark kNight on Saturday too and Loved It. Thing is, the theatre was over half-full, but there were still plenty of seats available. Kinda found that to be sorta weird. Hmmm...
Cool thing was, was my Lady and her two teenaged boys and me, and the older one wanted to see Hancock (on our Rec, as we'd seen it acouple weeks ago) but it started half-an-hour aft DK. So he caught the first 20 mins of DK then motored to the Will Smith Show THEN made it back after that one ended to catch the last 15, 20 mins of DK! Hoo Boy! What a long movie!! But well worth it!
K. Good Luck to your Dark Kitty w/ teh Prosac. Not sure how that's gonna work, but sure do hope it does.
If you haven't already, you might want to try some Omega 3 as well? It can't hurt, and I had a cat boarding here that started lick shaving herself. The vet suggested Omega 3 and I was skeptical, but I began using it, and he stopped. Of course, they could be licking for any number of reasons, but given that Omego 3 is recommended for healthy kitties and humans anyway, you might want to give it a try (after mentioning it to your vet).
I am going to ask the vet about the Omega 3. What is it, fish liver oil? It wouldn't be people-food in our house, but worth looking into for them - especially as an alternative to drugs.
I'd love to eventually get him off both the prednisone and the prozac.
will be really curious how the Prozac works...I hope it helps poor Jax...poor fella.....
stay cool down there....
( I had a computer just like that ...so it only worth 100...wow...)
I'm told it might take a few days to start working on the problem. So far that's true. He's still at it. This will be Day 3 on the drug, so hope it starts working soon.
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