Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Roadhouse Rags

This is the place we went on Sunday night. I was still feeling pretty beat up from the party Saturday night (whining over my self-inflicted hangover) but couldn't miss Dennis and Noah at this cool venue. It's called Roadhouse Rags, and it's a vintage clothing store that has live music. Very friendly, good vibe, casual in the extreme. I think it was the other band, La Tampiquena, that provided the keg of beer, plus it was BYOB and potluck (bar-type snacks... I popped open a can of cashews. Done!). Shown above is a way to make regular old rocks look festive. There's a house dog, an old-timer who cracked us all up when he suddenly pulled an air somersault trying to catch a fly on his back. He did steal the show a couple of times.

I started feeling a whole lot better right away. The weather even cooled down a little and the coming rain brought some strong breezes, and we were long overdue for those. There's Dennis and Noah and all below, including house dog (actually, it's the South Austin Jug Band with a different guitar player), who are now calling themselves "Milkdrive."

Here was some of show-stealer's competition: a poodle with a very fancy haircut. That pic below... that's like Austin in a nutshell.

For me though, there was no competition for the "house kitten." I looked over and saw this tiny black tinkerbell angel poking her head in and out of the window of the shop. She was only a few weeks old, and was named "Aretha". I held her for a long time and she loved it. House dog looked really interested in taking a bite of her, and there wouldn't have been more than two bites. Such a sweet baby. I am making Henry jealous now with all this gushy talk about some other cat, but he should have no worries. He is top cat... infinity.

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Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

That dog in the first picture looks exactly like my friend Snad's dog.

Blueberry said...

He was a hilarious dog. He's old and arthritic, he brought me that tennis ball to throw, so I threw it a short ways, and he looked at me "are you crazy? all the way over there?". Then later when he wasn't doing flips for flies, he got wet in the fan-misters and rolled in the dirt, so he was covered in mud and not very pettable.

Anonymous said...

The "house dog" you refer to is Clay's heeler Bluebell. And she's not old and arthritic, she's actually young. She got hit by a car a couple years ago and almost didn't survive. And Aretha ended up being Mookie, as it was later found out that she was actually a he!

Blueberry said...

poor doggy! I guess I thought that because of my old arthritic cat.